Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Campaniles &c

I got an email the other day from a university student whose research led to this blog. Preparing to respond involved some block play -- I routinely do activities from my "cope list" to try to get the brain functioning in some sort of order, and since the question I needed to answer was about the benefits of Froebel blocks, it seemed appropriate to use Froebel blocks in my preparation.

In this instance, Froebel's "Fourth Gift," which consists of eight rectangular blocks of ratio 1x2x4. But instead of the real thing, I went for an oversized counterpart in unit blocks. Some exercise with the blocks, and off I went to write and email my response. I realized when creating the link above that I have posted all of Froebel's block gifts except #4, which is probably my favorite. I shall need to correct that ommission soon.

Later I went back to the blocks and began fooling around, quickly grabbing more blocks out of the box, but sticking primarily to the basic 1x2x4 unit blocks.

Still feeling happy about the campanile in the previous post, I began experimenting with variations, until I was happy with what I had built. I photographed it, then tore it down and began building what I imagined to be the facade of a modern office block, though when I saw the pictures, I was more inclined to consider it perhaps an old department store?

The campanile was less pleasing in the pictures, so I went back and rebuilt it with some modifications, and it is the rebuilt version that appears at left. The first try is at right, I find I dislike it less on further reflection.

The first campanile used 26 "unit" unit blocks, nine "other," and one wood ball with a flattened side; the facade 48 "units" and six "other;" the second campanile 36 "units, ten "other, and the ball again. Sort of an intermediate exercise between the "all one size and shape" of Kapla and their ilk, and the "many sizes and shapes" of most block sets.

Good Block Play.


Herman said...

I dunno, there is something about your second campnile that I like better.... it looks more finished maybe

Eliza said...

I like the first campanile--it looks like a spaceship ready for liftoff from a cool, high liftoff pad.

Alan said...

first? second?

i am not sure whether you guys are referring to the order i built them, or the order in which they are blogged

the one on the left (light picture, no spire)?

the one on the right (backlit picture, with spire)?


Herman said...

Ummm.... I like the one one the left

Eliza said...

I like the one on the right, that looks like a spaceship ready for liftoff! :)

Alan said...

as long as you each like a different one


pretty phallic stuff though
