For a techno-geek, fischertechnik's Universal sets are almost irresistible. Well, maybe not "almost." The original Universal was introduced in 1994, with 450 parts of 119 different type, to make 24 different models. It was replaced in 2005 with the Universal II, which makes 48 models from 400 parts of 98 types. 21 of the models from the first set were carried over to the second, and it appears that none were "dumbed down " - instead, the designs are just that little bit cleverer at using common parts.
fischertechnik is sometimes described as "Lego for grownups," which isn't fair to fischertechnik's sets for five year olds, or nice range of products for seven and nine year olds. But they do make products for use in technical universities, their robotics sets have long been greatly admired both in schools and by advanced adult hobbyists, and their parts have been used for industrial prototyping since very early on. It's not that they aren't great for grownups, it's just that kids don't have to wait.
An excellent choice for a clever child, or for a child that might become clever with a little nudge and some Good Block Play.
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