Klikko is made up of various colored geometric shapes, as are several similar systems, such as
Polydron. The key difference is that Klikko connectors are separate little hinge pieces that create two-articulation joints. These hinge pieces look like little licorice candies that kept tempt one to taste.

Assembly was moderately irritating until I learned to connect pieces with both lying flat on the table. This is hinted at by diagrams in the manual showing partially assemblies laid flat like a cut-and-fold project, but I thought they were just showing off being "The Transforming Construction System."

Nope. The more of your model you connect flat, the happier you'll be, and I was messing up by lifting the pieces to connect them.
That still doesn't alleviate working in three dimensions during final assembly, where trying to connect one joint can cause several others to part. The little licorice pieces just didn't seem to have enough gumption.
But Klikko has too good a reputation for that, so I hoped to -- and did -- get better with experience.

I also learned something: Even a connected 3-D structure that is reasonably sturdy can have parts that can shift position. Yet making the final connections can drop that positional freedom dramatically.
The trick is to figure out how the pieces need to shift
before making the last connections, rather than counting on the licorice to pull things into position. Trying to force things together just pulls other things apart.
Klikko is still isn't one of my favorites, but it might come to be.
Already, it has provided good block play.
Just bought a kit secondhand with no instructions/building ideas...any idea where I can find more images like the one of the car you posted?
I'm sorry, I have no recollection of where that came from, but I probably scanned it from a booklet in the set. I cannot seem to find that set, though I am sure I still have it.
I will look around for it some more in the next week or so, and it may turn up eventually.
Klikko is still available - http://astore.amazon.com/blockplaystore-20?_encoding=UTF8&node=30 - so one solution might be to get one of the less-expensive sets new, learn how to build with the instructions from that set, then expand to bigger projects with the addition of your used parts.
That became my preferred method when I was still trying out new (to me) construction systems - too often used sets were missing critical components, but they could help hold the costs down somewhat.
Now I mostly just play with Duplo blocks or wooden trains with my grandson - and those mostly come from thrift stores or my attic. :}
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